Restored internal roads for the community "Karabakh" of internally displaced persons, located in the territory of Karabakh district of Barda region

Restored internal roads for the community "Karabakh" of internally displaced persons, located in the territory of Karabakh district of Barda region

As a contractor "Perlit" LLC has taken several measures by the order of Foundation for Social Development of Internally Displaced Persons (FSDIDP) within the framework of the project "Support to the living conditions and opportunities of IDP’s incomes" in 2008-2015 (SFDİ / 4395-AZ, SFDİ / 8096 - projects financed by the AZ World Bank). One of these activities is the reconstruction of internal roads for the "Karabakh" community of internally displaced persons, located in the territory of Karabakh district of Barda region during 27.06. 2010 - 08.08.2010 under the agreement SFDİ / 4395 - AZ / 162 of 25 June 2010.